Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New friends frenzy!

January 13, 2011

This morning for breakfast I had Italy’s version of Coco Puffs that I bought yesterday and they weren’t as sweet as the Coco Puffs in the Sates, but I still ate them (with my soy milk that costs an arm and a leg just like in America). At our orientation class in school we learned more Italian and today our teacher took us to the Post Office and discovered it costs A TON to send even a post card, so it gives me second thoughts about sending post cards out. After the Post Office Jackie and I came back and ate lunch together..I had a salami sandwich on this dark bread I bought that had nuts in it and boiled carrots on the was really really good!

Once all of my roommates got back from their class’s adventures we went out shopping and I got a sweater dress that is adorable and only cost me 10 euro at this store called Ciao Ciao, along with a towel which I finally found at a semi-reasonable price! Italy has a month long Black Friday during January and that’s why my first Italian word that I picked up on the streets was “saldi” which means “sale” because every single store window has that posted! Us girls also tried our luck bargaining with the vendors that line the streets and I ended up getting two scarves (a black and white animal print one and this crazy colorful one…everyone in Italy wears scarves all the time) which were originally 6 euro each and I ended up talking the guy down to paying 8 euro for the two! I also bought this super awesome glass necklace for one euro.

We all came back from shopping and started getting ready because Claire’s friend Nick and his roommate Ryan invited us over to their place for dinner, along with the rest of the communication/journalism kids (all of the boys in their apartment are in the communication/journalism program). We stopped at this butcher shop to get chicken because everyone was supposed to bring vegetables or meat because they were making deep fried everything. They deep fried zucchini, peppers, green beans, potatoes, chicken, rabbit, and I’m sure a few other things. I tried rabbit and thought it was extremely tasty! It was more tender than chicken! It was cool meeting kids from other programs because before this we were confined to just our apartment because none of us knew anyone else really nor where they lived. So it ended up being a night of delicious food and new friends :]

We walk past the Duomo every single day...I don't think I'll ever get sick of it!

We saw this person putting on their white makeup earlier in the day,
but later in the day they were trying to pose, but would make the most ridiculous
faces when we tried taking pictures of him (her?)!

This really cool fountain is just around the corner from our school.

Cain and Abel.

The fake statue of David.

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